Elevating therapy animal services with a user-centric design

Elevating therapy animal services with a user-centric design

The Challenge

Pet Partners and their immense volunteer network make a positive impact across the nation through therapy animal visits, community outreach, and advocacy efforts. Despite being a treasure trove of valuable information, users struggled to navigate through dense walls of text on the Pet Partners website. Additionally, ongoing performance issues, including downtime and slow loading times, impeded users from efficiently accessing crucial information and the resources they need.

Animal Welfare
SEO & Content Strategy
User Experience & Design
The rebranded Pet Partners website features an enhanced user experience with intuitive navigation

A website should leverage modern design principles to connect volunteers to their community.

The rebranded Pet Partners website features an enhanced user experience with intuitive navigation. The new website expands Pet Partners’ ability to highlight their engaging volunteers, display their industry expertise, and activate their supporters.

Modern and dynamic branding

Modern and dynamic branding

We collaborated closely with Pet Partners to refresh their brand identity and translate it into a clean and contemporary website design. The result is a user-friendly interface that enhances the browsing experience. 

Breadcrumb navigation for better browsing

Breadcrumb navigation for better browsing

We implemented breadcrumb navigation, a trail of text links that shows users the path to the page that they are currently on. This facilitates smoother navigation through Pet Partners’ extensive content and encourages users to explore resources across the site.

Rallying the pack

Rallying the pack

With strategic calls-to-action throughout the website, Pet Partners is effectively converting new volunteers and supporters into active registered teams, donors, and facility and corporate partners. This conversion rate optimization has increased engagement and facilitated the growth of their community.

Backend bliss

An enhanced CMS and backend experience offers greater control to content managers. The revamped interface significantly decreased technical troubleshooting cases, giving staff more time to dedicate to important content updates and foster deeper engagement with Pet Partners’ audience.

Here’s how Pet Partners is serving the community, online and off.

Here’s how Pet Partners is serving the community, online and off.


Active therapy animal teams, according to Pet Partners’ 2022 Annual Report

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